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What I can do

  • 📱 Mobile web apps

    I build responsive web sites from the ground up, keeping a close eye on the latest trends.

  • 😊 UX Design

    User Experience is a crucial part of my workflow, from research through to development.

  • 💀 Version control

    A active member of the Github community follow me.

  • 📊 Web optimisation

    I have good knowledge of page speed optimisation, and some SEO skills.

  • 🎨 Front-end Development

    I write clean, hand-coded HTML/CSS and JavaScript - This website is built in React using Gatsby.js and Contentful CMS.

  • ⚙️ Content management systems

    I have over 8 year's experience building website in Drupal, more recently I have been working with Contentful & building content hubs, websites and apps.